Carbon Reduction Strategies

Effective Carbon reduction (like cost cutting or weight loss!) needs a cycle of measurement of the current emissions, analysis of the potential routes to cut Carbon and action to implement these savings. Then back to measurement to assess the impact of the change and continue to plan further reductions. We can help you set up this cycle for your organisation.

On site generation
PV can often be the quickest win on Carbon reduction and although Business Rates currently erode the business case, it remains a self funding Carbon reduction tool.
We can provide a fast and effective assessment of the PV potential for your organisation and model how this will match to your energy usage pattern.

Wind generation

Low carbon heat

Insulation retrofit
Improving energy efficiency through upgrades to building fabric is an essential consideration. By reducing energy use, other steps such as moving to low carbon heat, will be simpler and lower cost to implement and operate.
Most buildings – even listed heritage buildings can significantly improve their insulation and reduce ventilation losses with new technology and reduced cost systems hitting the market.

Energy storage